RYDA is more than a program, it’s partnership which supports teachers on the journey as they provide their students with the tools and understanding they need to see themselves as active, responsible road citizens. Taking, largely, a student inquiry learning approach, RYDA becomes part of the school culture from the first to last day of a young person’s high school life. Beyond that, RYDA provides students with the tools, habits, and motivation to act and stay safe on our roads as both drivers and passengers throughout their lives.
Long term change will only be realised where educational materials support each-other and key messages are repeated over time. RYDA, a program professionally developed by leading learning organisation, Road Safety Education Limited (RSE), is designed to complement the high school curriculum.
RYDA features a highly engaging and memorable one-day workshop which front-loads students’ understanding of road safety. The workshop sessions are designed to be held in small classroom sized groups (approximately 25 students) and are led by a team of trained facilitators including Police, driving instructors and other community sector specialists.
I am following up my note of the 8th of September regarding manpower availability for now 5 confirmed courses in early 2023 and thank you to those of you who have previously replied to me. I still have manpower shortages on the following earlier advised dates for the Bethlehem Baptist Church venue.
Thursday 2nd February- Mt College and ACG College.
Wednesday 8th February- Tga Boys College
Wednesday 15th February- Aquinas College
And a new date for an added course.
Thursday 16th February- Otumoetai College
Now I know that I'm asking you all to cast your minds forward into February 2023, but with Rotary going offline during Late December and January I really need to have my manpower lined up by Xmas so that we are not scrabbling in late January. So, my plea is, if you think you can help out on any of these dates, then please say YES. Then in January 2023, I will publish a list of helpers so that if anyone's circumstances have changed then I only need to replace that person.
So, my plea is, may I have a further indication of helpers for the previously advised dates as per above and also for the new date being the 16th of February 2023. Please also consider including your better halves and make it a family day out with complimentary catering and the ability to watch a RYDA course in action.